• Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

  • Advanced Certificate in Training & Assessment (ACTA)

  • Certified Holistic Counsellor for Mind Soul Body (Seth Taiwan)

  • President of Seth Singapore

Andelyn Oh is a dedicated bilingual (mandarin) counsellor, and President of Seth Education Foundation Taiwan, an organization renowned for training holistic transpersonal counsellors. These counsellors provide professional and compassionate companionship and support, helping individuals navigate challenges, difficulties, and feelings of helplessness. The ultimate goal is to achieve holistic physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Andelyn is trained in "Seth-oriented counselling skills" and "Seth inner dynamics" to conduct one-on-one sessions. She conducts one-on-one sessions designed to work with clients create their own reality. She offers attentive listening and heartfelt support to those facing health, mental, or life issues. Her work involves genuine care within a professional, safe, and confidential environment, assisting clients in regaining inner strength and security to achieve positive changes in their lives. Andelyn addresses a wide range of physical, mental, and spiritual concerns, guiding clients toward improved well-being and resilience.


彩綾经过「赛斯取向陪谈技巧」和「赛斯内在动力学」的专业培训,进行一对一的个别陪谈,引导个案创造自己的实相;针对有健康、精神、 生活困扰的个案,给予支持,用心聆听、真心关怀!在专业、 安全、具隐私性的关系中,协助个案找回支撑自己心灵的力量 与安全感,使个案在生活上达到正面的转变。一同面对人生当中所遇到的各种身心灵的困扰或问题!

心灵对话服务内容:现代人的身心困扰: 诸如人际关系的纷扰、 情感的牵扯、家庭成员的纠葛、亲子关系及对未来的恐惧,不时占据人们的心头,仿佛挥之不去的梦魇。 彩綾致力于陪伴个案面对各种身心灵困扰,与个案携手迈向更好的身心灵健康与韧性。